Our housing program serves people who can't access home ownship, but do have some equity to invest and the ability to afford to pay market rents. Future residents invest in cooperative development and build up 20% equity in their unit, which they can later use to enter the market.
We work with realtors, mortgage brokers and individuals who can help us find people who would benefit from our program. In addition to knowing you supported that individual on their jouney towards better financial health, we will also pay you a referral fee of $500 when they become a member.
In many ways this is similar to a presale, and to benefit from the program, participants need to have $30,000 that they can in the coop and another $50,000 to $100,000 that they could invest near the start of construction. In return for investing early they will participate in what would normally be a developer's land lift on the project.
In the long run, we are aiming to find a way for people to be able to finance the share purchase, but we are not there yet. So members need to have the funds, or be able to borrow them as a personal loan from the bank, or the bank of mom and dad.
Participants principlally benefit from secure housing tenure, equity growth, participating in a community, and savings over renting. If somebody moved into our coop and stayed their for their entire life they would be better off fincially than owning because we
- use goverment funding to get low loan rates,
- collaborate with cities to get concessions on density and waivers on fees,
- ask future residents to make investments keeping the developer profit with the members,
- don't pay a profits to investors, focusing on debt financing
Since we use government funding programs, there are some income limits for tenants.
It's easy to join our program, just fill out the form below. When members join, we ask them who referred them and then send an etransfer of the fee to the email you supply below.